
Feel free to sign that wavier and swing on by. 


            I acknowledge that TOMFIT have recommended that I should consult my medical professional/advisor prior to commencing any fitness or nutritional regime at their Facility. I represent and warrant that I am medically able to participate in and undertake physical exercise and further that I am not aware of any physical, medical, mental or health disability, condition or disease which may be aggravated or worsened by medical activity.

□          I agree to disclose to TOMFIT all relevant personal health and fitness information and further agree to not use TOMFIT’s facility in the event I should be suffering from any condition which might pose a risk, however small, to other members.

□          I acknowledge and understand the Cancellation Policy detailed in this Agreement.

□          I agree to the Liability Clause detailed in this Agreement.

□          I acknowledge that I use the TOMFIT facilities and services at my own risk and subject to the Australian Consumer Law and I release TOMFIT from any liability in using the facilities and services.

□          I agree that TOMFIT may contact me by phone, text message and email to inform me of upcoming appointments, news and promotions.

□          I have been provided with, read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (set out on the TOMFIT website – a hard copy is available)

□          I agree to my membership continuing past the minimum term set by this Agreement.