Below you will find TOMFIT'S club rules, membership terms and policies. We try to keep things as simple and straightforward as we can, so if you love nothing more than giving your eyes a good workout reading terms and conditions – you’ve found your own little spot of heaven.



·       By signing this Agreement, Members agree to:

o   Be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement including the payment of any fees;

o   Sign any documentation reasonably required by TOMFIT.


·       TOMFIT will be authorized to notify any debit collection/credit-reporting agency in regard to any Member obligation under this Agreement. Should this occur, then at TOMFIT’s sole discretion, it may terminate the Member’s Agreement at which time the full outstanding balance for the remainder of the minimum term or payments including any current arrears shall be due immediately in further addition TOMFIT shall add $30.00 to the outstanding debt as its fee for dealing with the defaulting Member. TOMFIT is further authorized to add any further amount to the outstanding debt that might be reasonably incurred by them in collecting the outstanding debt. Any further amount shall include the fees of the agency to which the account is referred.


·       TOMFIT reserves the right, in the interests of ensuring the Facility’s efficient and effective operation, to alter its opening and closing times or change its services/facilities and membership fees. Such changes may include closure of the club for refurbishment. There is no reduction in membership fees for such period nor is there a reduction in membership fees for public holiday closure. TOMFIT will provide members with 14 days notice of any changes except in the case of emergency.


·       TOMFIT reserves the right to refuse admission to, or ask a Member to leave the Facility if they are of the reasonable opinion that the Member is in breach of this Agreement or of the Member Courtesy Rules.


·       Members must notify TOMFIT, in writing, as soon as possible, of any changes to the Member’s name, address, telephone number, billing details, or any changes to the member’s health (including the notification of any new medical condition or any change in an existing medical condition).


·       Change of ownership or the name of the Facility does not absolve the Member of responsibilities under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


·       TOMFIT reserves the right to:

o   Adjust the availability of certain facilities on a temporary basis for the general purpose of cleaning, decorating, essential repairs, maintenance of equipment, special functions and holidays.

o   Show potential members and other individuals the facilities and allow them to use it on a trial basis.